Writing Effectively at The World Health Organization

Support and contacts

Although the course materials are designed to enable you to work alone, sometimes you will need help. A support system has been developed to assist you and your fellow course participants with any difficulties that you may experience.

Course content

If you have questions about anything in the course learning materials, anything about how to proceed, or anything about assignment requirements, you should contact your tutor by e-mail.

Your tutor is there to help you find your way through the learning materials and will understand how you are feeling. Please do not hesitate to ask questions, even if you think the question is too simple to ask. It is much better to ask questions and be clear about the course requirements than to proceed without a good understanding of the materials, what you are reading, and what you will need for your assignments. Your tutor will contact you early in the course. Please reply promptly so that he or she knows you are in e-mail contact.

If your tutor contacted you before you received this CD-ROM, then now is a good time to let your tutor know that you have received your course materials and are ready to start the course.

Occasionally, you will see an e-mail link for your tutor like the one above. You will notice that there is no e-mail address provided. That is because there are different tutors for this course. However, the link will automatically open your default e-mail program and begin a message with a subject line. You must insert your tutor's e-mail address in the appropriate space to send a message.

Course administration

You may experience administrative problems that require attention, such as changes in your work schedule or inability to access course materials. For assistance, contact the Commonwealth of Learning Course Coordinator (learnersupport1@col.org) as soon as possible. For technical problems, we strongly recommend that you contact your local technical support service.

© WHO 2011