Writing Effectively at The World Health Organization
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This module focuses on writing general correspondence, documents of record and summaries of events and longer documents. These types of documents are a routine part of work at WHO, and our goal is to help you write them effectively.

Module 1 introduced strategies for effective writing, including analysing your reader, using active constructions, keeping documents concise, and proofreading. Writing effective general correspondence, records and notes requires these skills, plus good planning. Good planning is based on knowing what your reader needs and focusing your purpose to meet those needs. This is true whether you are writing an e-mail to a colleague, a letter to a government official, minutes of a meeting, or notes for briefings and presentations.

In this module you will apply the concepts introduced in Module 1 to specific types of documents. You will prepare a personal portfolio of correspondence, records and summaries, based on writing that you are currently working on in your job. In the process, you will work through the stages of writing we introduced in Module 1: prewriting, organizing, drafting, revising and proofreading.

The portfolio of examples of correspondence, records and summaries is your assignment for this module. As you complete the learning activities, you will complete the required components of your portfolio; by the time you have finished the module, you will be ready to submit your completed portfolio to your tutor.

© WHO 2011