Scheduling Your Study

As with any distance-learning course, you have considerable autonomy in the way you organize your method of study. You can study wherever and whenever you choose and at whatever pace suits you best within the four-month time frame of the course.

Remember when you are scheduling your study that the time required for the modules is not equal. You will likely complete the first module very quickly. Later modules take considerably more time. To receive the maximum benefit from this course, you will want to be sure your assignment submission schedule allows time for your tutor to give you feedback, and to ask for revisions on your work if necessary.

Inform Your Supervisor

You should inform your supervisor that you are taking this course and try to gain support for the duration of your studies. If possible, try to organize some regular time away from your work station to work on the course.

Work out a Schedule

The entire course requires up to 35 hours of study time. More time may be required for assignment revisions. Completion times are bound to vary from learner to learner.

With distance learning, you are responsible for being organized so that you can complete the course in an appropriate time frame. You will need to schedule your study time carefully so that you can do the activities, make your own notes, and complete the assignments.

Set Your own Assignment Submission Dates

Although there are no set dates for submitting assignments, we strongly advise you to plan a schedule for assignment submission in advance. Note that learning is cumulative: you will need time to incorporate feedback from one assignment into the next.

Your tutor will ask you for your proposed dates for assignment submission early in the course. Use the Study & Assignment Submission Schedule to plan your submission dates. Send your proposed schedule to your tutor by Moodle e-mail as an attachment. It is printable, so if you wish you can post it in your work space as a reminder.


You will find complete descriptions of assignment requirements in each module. This summary will help you schedule your study and assignment submissions. You will find instructions or templates for these assignments in the assignment requirements section of each module.

  • Assignment 1: Compose your personal goals and describe your report topic.
  • Assignment 2: Complete a Dialogue with the Reader worksheet for your report.
  • Assignment 3: Develop a pyramid outline for your report.
  • Assignment 4: Write the introduction for your report, and create headings and subheadings.
  • Assignment 5: Write one section (1-3 pages) of your report.
  • Assignment 6: Revise the report section you submitted for Assignment 5 or write a 5-10 page section of your report.

Time Limit

There is a time limit of sixteen weeks to complete this course. The course administrator will provide a list of critical dates for the cohort in which you are participating. The key dates are also available in the Resources section of Moodle.