Writing Effectively at The World Health Organization


The assignment work for this module has three parts. You can read the details for each on the next few screens. Be sure to submit all required components for each assignment. If you are unsure about what to do, don’t hesitate to contact your tutor.


Your tutor will review your work to determine if you have understood the principles of effective communication as described in the module, and how you can further improve aspects of your writing.


Revising is an important part of the writing process. When your tutor asks you to revise and resubmit, you can rework the assignment using your tutor’s feedback as a guide. You can resubmit your work for review up to two times. If after three submissions your tutor still finds serious problems with your writing that haven’t been resolved, you will be unable to continue with the rest of the course.

When to submit your assignments

Example assignment

You may find it helpful to refer to this example of a completed assignment.

© WHO 2011