Assignment 6: Full Report or Revised Report Section

You have two options for this assignment. You may either revise and resubmit the report section you submitted in Assignment 5, or you may submit up to 15 pages of the complete report you are working on. If you found the mechanics section particularly challenging, you may wish to choose Option 1. If you are comfortable with mechanics, you may prefer to get more general feedback from your tutor by choosing Option 2.

Completing your assignment

  • Option 1: Resubmit via Moodle your report section from Assignment 5. First, you should revise this text based on what you now know about institutional style and good mechanics. Second, you should improve upon any other aspects of the text as suggested by your tutor. Your tutor will review your submission with a focus on style and mechanics.
  • Option 2: Write a substantive section of your report and submit it via Moodle to your tutor for feedback. Ideally, the section will be from 5 to 10 pages. The maximum acceptable length is 15 pages. Your tutor will provide general feedback on the style and structure of your report and will suggest ways to further develop your writing skills.