Examples of Completed Dialogues

Below you can see the completed dialogues that you have been analyzing throughout this module. Before you finalize your own Dialogue Worksheet for your report, look at completed examples to ensure you know the questions to keep in mind as you write.

1. Type of document/report:
Suggested Discussion Points for Strategic Engagement of [Region X] [Urban Unit] in Ruritania, 2011–2015
Purpose To propose areas for strategic focus in Ruritania over next 3-5 years (as requested by sector manager)
Primary reader Sector manager, new to region but experienced at the Bank and knowledgeable about Urban Development
Reader’s main question What should our strategic focus be?
Main message To support decentralization and help build local governments, strategically we should focus on grants and activities at the local and regional levels. We will need to build on existing activities and initiate new ones.

Note: This is what the main message should have been. In this poorly organized document, the main message is not stated clearly and occurs too late (paragraph 9). However, the main message (when the reader finally gets to it) does mention the key factor of decentralization.


2. Type of document/report:
Kurchani Sustainable Urban Transport Project (Asiana): Road Paving Samples for the Ancient Temple Palace Area

To analyze road paving samples prepared by the contracting firm for implementing a project component

… and

To recommend improvements based on this analysis.
Primary reader Project leaders for the Kurchani project, road paving contractors
Reader’s main question Do the road paving samples meet the project component’s requirements?

What do you recommend for improving them?
Main message With modifications, the samples will be acceptable. These modifications include the following: only brown aggregate should be used, the grains of the aggregate should be more heterogeneous, and all parts of the road must have three layers.

Note: The main message is very diplomatic in tone. The writer is saying that the samples are not acceptable and is specifying the changes that need to be made.