Assignment 4: Introduction and Headings

This assignment requires you to complete two tasks: writing the introduction for your new report and creating the headings and subheadings that will guide readers through it.

To write your introduction, refer to the Checklist for Your Introduction, which you created and saved to a Reflections File earlier in this module. Remember that the role of the introduction is to interest your readers, lead them to your main message, and then state your main message.

To create your headings and subheadings, first give your new report an overall title. Then refer to your pyramid outline, which you created at the end of Module 3. Write your headings and subheadings based on the reader's questions and mini-main messages in your pyramid outline. Include at least two levels of headings beyond the overall title.

Once you have written your introduction and created your headings and subheadings, upload the assignment into the Assignment section in Moodle.